After a few weeks of quarantine and a stay at home order in place, our school district made the call to cancel physical school for the rest of the year and go to a distance learning model. Today, April 13th 2020, we began our distance learning program. With Connor halfway through 8th grade and Colton halfway through 6th grade we are excited to have a little more structure here! We’ve been doing just fine with fun science projects, online painting classes, trivia, piano lessons via zoom, guitar lessons online too, but this more structured school life will help us all get up a little earlier and stay a little more focused.

We thought we would do a back to school photo session, but keep it very, very realistic. We still aren’t popping out of bed at 6am, but we are definitely moving towards an earlier trend these days. Getting dressed before noon is still optional. Online classes and video chats are still a work in progress. We are so grateful for the wonderful staff and teachers getting this new mode of learning up and running. I’m so thankful to have the responsibility of coming up with “school work” off my shoulders. I don’t think we could bake anything else and I’m running out of flour and paints to do painting projects and lord knows I’m terrible at math. Add in the fact that both my boys are pre-teen and teen means that they don’t listen to me as well anymore. I spent three hours yesterday telling them where things were over and over and over. I’m so tired of nobody listening to me! Now they have real teachers again giving assignments and tasks. Hallelujah!
Here is our April 13th 2020 back to school photo shoot. Thank you teachers and school staff working hard to keep our children educated and out of my pantry!
We are in this together and learning together. Here’s to learning in new ways. Every day is a new day to learn a new thing (or two).